Biggleston odd posts

here are metal posts in the city that have the appearance of Biggleston work but no name plate to prove it.  The following four are worth a look:

Image 1 shows a post near the Curzon cinema at the entrance to Pound Lane car park.  The car park area was once the site of William Master’s ‘Exotic Nursery’ so this post may have related to the Nursery?

Image 2 stands at the end of Duck Lane, on the edge of another car park, the Radigund Car Park.  The post is clearly of some age, and must be a Biggleston candidate?

Image 3 shows three smaller posts which stand at the corner of Castle Street and St Mary’s Street.  These are in a different category from the car park posts in that one at least probably does bear a name plate at its base.  It requires perseverance and some gymnastic ability to read it, and even then it’s hard to be certain.  

Finally, the Biggleston features have been mimicked in some modern developments.  Thus Image 4 shows two of the line of support columns at the entrance to Marlowe Arcade, each bearing direct copies of the palmette and crocket motifs described in the page for Biggleston lamp posts.