Saturday June 29th 2024 2:30pm. A guided walk around St Dunstan’s Area.
Peter Berg, St Dunstan’s Area Resident for 30 years, and accredited Canterbury City and Cathedral guide will lead this walk. The meeting place is St Dunstan’s Church. The walk is expected to last approximately 90 minutes and to include a visit to the old Jewish cemetery (normally closed to the public). Only 16 places available and we are proposing a fee of £10 for this event. CHAS members should receive booking details via email.
Monday July 8th 2024 2:00pm. Hard Hat Tour of Maison Dieu (Dover)
Martin Crowther, Community Engagement Officer will lead this tour expected to last about 90 minutes. Participants will need to wear suitable shoes, and be fit to climb a few flights of stairs. Only 20 places available and we are proposing a fee of £10 for this event. CHAS members should receive booking details via email.
Guided Musical History Walk with Q and A over Tea and Cake, May 20th 2023. To read a summary of this event please click here.
Guided Walk around King’s School, July 14th 2023. You can read a brief summary of this event by clicking here.
Gravesend, Saturday June 25th, 2022
A very successful outing to Gravesend, in the company of blue badge guide, Jenny Watson-Bore, took place on June 25th. A brief report may be provided later.
The first row of images below provides 3 pictures from the Gravesend trip.

CHAS is excited to confirm that this year there is an opportunity to visit Gravesend in the company of wonderful blue badge guide, Jenny Watson-Bore. Currently she plans to take us to see the rich heritage of the Gravesend River Thames waterfront, to St. George’s Church and the statue of Pocahontas, to Gravesend oldest building dating from the fourteenth century, to a famous modern building and much more.
Approximate Itinerary:
Departure from Canterbury in a small coach, three pick-up points starting at 9 a.m.
Morning visits
St. George’s Church and Pocahontas statue
The market (one of the oldest in the country), the Town Hall and the High Street
Bawley Bay and Anchor Cove – these were embarkation points for colonists sailing to New Zealand and Australia in the early nineteenth century.
The Customs House
Gravesend’s associations with Charles Dickens.
Afternoon visits
Milton Chantry in the Fort Gardens. The Chantry is the oldest building in Gravesend and dates from the 1320s; it is all that remains of the Hospital of St Mary the Virgin leper hospital.
New Tavern Fort and its associations with General Gordon
The Gurdwara which is one of the largest Sikh temples in Britain N.B. Men and women must cover their head to visit the Gurdwara and women should not wear skirts or dresses.