Miscellaneous Stones – unclassified

Some stones are mysteries whilst others are impossible to classify.  A few Canterbury examples follow:

Images 1 and 2 relate to disfigured stones standing in or near Iffin Lane in Thanington.  Both are damaged and weathered to the point where their original purpose is unclear.

Image 3 shows a stone that stands by Hedger’s the butcher, in St Dunstan’s  – not far from the level crossing.  The inscription is hard to read but seems to include ‘St D’ – surely for St Dunstan’s.  It can hardly be regarded as a boundary stone as the boundary of St Dunstan’s parish runs nowhere near this spot.

Two images (4 and 5) relate to an enormous conglomerate stone placed here in 1990 by Robert Brett & Sons Ltd.  The plaque refers to the ‘linking of the Stour Valley walk and the Canterbury Riverside footpath’ at this spot.  Sadly, developers of the adjacent land, now a housing estate, have blocked off the planned Riverside footpath and rendered the stone redundant.

Finally, image 6 shows the sarsen stone standing on the grave of Walter Cozens ( 1858-1928).  Walter was a local builder, writer, archaeologist and founder of the Canterbury Archaeological Society (now CHAS).