Other Meetings & Events (not organised by CHAS)

We have created this page to notify website readers of other events that we have been asked to publicise.

Thursday 13th June 7:00pm Michael Berry Lecture Theatre, Old Sessions House Canterbury Christ Church University. TALK arranged by the Canterbury Branch of the Historical Association: Professor Louise Wilkinson, Lincoln University, ‘”Long live the empress!” The imperial marriage of Isabella of England, King Henry III’s sister, and her progress through Kent in 1235’. Non-members are asked to pay £5 to attend.

Friday 14th (11:00-18:00), Saturday 15th (9:30-15:00) June. Powell Building, Canterbury Christ Church University

Celebration of the 80th anniversary of A CANTERBURY TALE (Powell & Pressburger, UK 1944)The events celebrate the film, “A CANTERBURY TALE”, filmed in and around Canterbury and its environs 1943-44, referencing and re-working Chaucer’s great story and creating an lasting image of the city in wartime. Filmmakers Powell and Pressburger’s film creates a sense of continuity between the stories and landscape of the past and of Britain during the war, also reflecting Michael Powell’s childhood in Canterbury and his love of the Kent landscape. Together with their other critically acclaimed films of the 1940s (including The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, I Know Where I’m Going, A Matter of Life and Death, Black Narcissus and The Red Shoes), A Canterbury Tale offers reflections and comments on the great social and cultural themes and issues of the time that remain relevant today. Full details are here https://schoolofcreativeartsandindustries.com/a-canterbury-tale/ £45 two days /£25 single day / free to CCCU students and staff.

Saturday July 6th 2024 7:30pm St Dunstan’s Church

The annual Thomas More Commemoration Service, with guest speaker, Dr Sheila Sweetinburgh,  Lecturer and Co-Director of the Centre for Kent & Heritage at Canterbury Christ Church University. The title of her talk is  ‘Canterbury at the time of Thomas More’.   It promises to be an interesting and illuminating topic.  Refreshments will be served in the church after the service to which CHAS members are, of course,  warmly welcome.

Wednesday July 12th 2024 6:00pm St Michael & All Angels Church, Harbledown CT2 8NW

Launch of Pat Marsh’s new historical novel Three Faces, which brings to life Aphra Behn, the first Englishwoman to make her living as a professional writer in the Harbledown parish church where Aphra Behn was christened Eaffrey Johnson on 14th December 1640. It will feature short excerpts from the novel, a Q&A and a light supper. You will also have the rare opportunity to visit the beautiful 12th century Hospital Church of St Nicholas, which will be open for visits after supper. The Black Prince’s Well, on land of the adjacent farm, can also be visited.

Early Bird tickets can be bought for £5, with the price rising to £7.50 closer to the date. Tickets can be booked via this link https://martyrsfieldpublications.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af510683b827a07b09b1b33f5&id=603fd859f2&e=5592a90dae

Saturday July 28th 2024 12:00-4.00pm at Cliffsend Viking Ship Anniversary Event

Cliffsend Parish Council is holding an anniversary event around the Viking Ship in Cliffsend, Ramsgate, to mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the gift of the Viking Ship from the Danish Government. The ship’s arrival in 1949 was to mark the 1500 year anniversary of Hengist and Horsa in 449AD. Several organisations, including Ost Centigas (a Viking Living History Society who will demonstrate Viking skills, crafts and mock battle), The Canterbury Archaeological Trust and English Heritage will be present. Other organisations present will be RNLI & National Coast Watch, Kent Wildlife Trust, Birdwise East Kent & Thanet Coastal Project, Thanet Rotary, Ramsgate Fire Brigade, Ramsgate Sea Cadets, Kent Police, plus food and drink stalls. The event will be free to the public and many hundreds of people are expected to attend.The event is designed celebrate the history and heritage of the area.

Tuesday September 24th 2004 7:00pm Michael Berry Lecture Theatre, Old Sessions House,
Canterbury Christ Church University, CT1 1PL. THE ANNUAL NIGHTINGALE LECTURE – ‘Book launch – Tales from the Tithe War’ This is a joint lecture organised by the Centre for Kent History & Heritage and Brook Rural Museum.

In this lecture Dr John Bulaitis, until recently a Senior Lecturer in Modern History at Canterbury Christ Church University, will focus on the important Kentish incidents and participants who were involved in this bitter conflict, a social, agrarian conflict that has been called ‘this curious rural revolt that has included amusing incidents and colourful personalities. For those interested, copies of John’s new book will be available to buy at a special price on the night. All welcome and entry is free (voluntary retiring collection).

More local events of possible interest are advertised on the Centre for Kent History and Heritage webpage.

Saturday September 30th 2023 10:30am – 6:30pm. TO BE REARRANGED BECAUSE OF RAIL STRIKE Powell Lecture Theatre (Pg09), Canterbury Christ Church University. Institutional Care through the Ages in Kent. This is a free conference. Booking details at: https://www.trybooking.co.uk/CQCF  or contact: sheila.sweetinburgh@canterbury.ac.uk