Gipps, George (via memorial stones index)

Sir George Gipps (1790-1847)

Soldier and Colonial Governor

This memorial is a marble bust of the Lieutenant Colonel upon an inscribed low relief funerary chest, all carved from white Carrara Marble.  The bust is backed by a grey marble slab reminiscent of an arched window surround. This grey metamorphic marble (recrystalised limestone) is characterized by a profusion of thin dark grey veins running parallel to one another and was quarried from the Carrara area in the Apuan hills. The grey streaks are carbon-rich. It is known as Bardiglio Marmor and is often used in conjunction with white Carrara Marble with which it was exported and provided a strong visual contrast. Other memorials on the south wall of the nave have a similar juxtaposition of stones.

memorial to Sir George Gipps