Theodore Phyffers – overview of cathedral statuettes

Belgian-born Sculptor

For a brief biography of Theodore Phyffers and his statuettes, and the Phyffers source material, click here

For more on individual statuettes click here

Theodore Phyffers was responsible for the statuettes which appear around the west end and south west porch of the cathedral.  The purpose of the present page is to provide an aid to those who wish to find them or study them.  The present page show views starting to the right (east) of the south west porch and working around the west face of the building:

  • Image 1 shows the east side of the SW porch.  It include images (left to right top row) of Pope Gregory, Theodore, St Dunstan, St Alphege; (bottom row) King Alfred, Edmund of East Anglia, King Canute, and Edward the Confessor.
  • In Image 2 the top row shows St Augustine, Lanfranc, Anselm and Cranmer; lower left is King Ethelbert and lower right Queen Bertha
  • In Image 3 (facing camera) (top row) see Becket, Baldwin, Hubert Walter, and Langton and (bottom row) William I, William II, Henry I and Henry II
  • In Image 4 is of the SW buttress viewed from the south (facing camera) (top row) see Stratford, Bradwardine, Sudbury and (bottom row) Edward III, the Black Prince and Henry IV
  • In Image 5 the west face with vacant niches awaiting the new Royal statues (more below)
  • In Image 6 shows the new Royal statues of Queen Elizabeth and the late Prince Philip – NB these were not by Phyffers but by Nina Bilbey in 2015
  • In image 7 shows the north west buttress – with figures of Longley, Alford, Erasmus, Charles I, Laud, Percy and Stanhope

NB In recent years, many of these statuettes have been covered by scaffolding or dust sheets or both – many still are.  Several of the images shown here were taken before then start of the current major refurbishment.

DL (28/05/2021)