CHAS St Alphege Scans (of city trails)

Publications of Canterbury Urban Studies Centre (CUSC) and Canterbury Environment Centre (CEC)

Between 1977 and 2002 Canterbury Urban Studies Centre and Canterbury Environment Centre published around 30 guides and city trails describing various aspects of Canterbury’s past.  Both organisations were based in St Alphege church.

Between them they produced 14 titles in the ‘Trails’ series, and a further 16 titles outside the main series.  All are now out of print and many are difficult (a few impossible) to find through normal second hand sources.  Many contain information that is not readily available in other printed or on line sources.

CHAS is scanning a selection of these publications for uploading to the CHAS website as PDFs.  In this way a new generation of readers and researchers can have access to this unique resource. The front pages of some of these publications are shown immediately below. Click on each image to enlarge it. Please note that CHAS did not produced these leaflets and cannot vouch for the accuracy of the contents.

Use the following links to see a full list of these publications, or to download CHAS Scans available so far:

‘na’ indicates no author specified; ‘nd’ indicates publication date not known

TRAIL 1 (na) (1977)  Canterbury Walls and gates

TRAIL 2 (na) (1996)  Pilgrimage to the cathedral (not currently available)

TRAIL 3 Woodman, Francis (1980)  The Precincts of Canterbury Cathedral (not currently available)

TRAIL 4 Butler, John and Simpson, Caroline (1993)  Riverside walks in Canterbury

TRAIL 6 Woodman, Francis (1995)  Canterbury America Trail

TRAIL 7 Cohn-Sherbok, Dan (1992)  Jewish Canterbury (not currently available)

TRAIL 8 Fisher, Margaret and Simpson, Caroline (1993)  Christopher Marlowe’s Canterbury

TRAIL 9 Bateman, Audrey (2001)  Castle Street, Canterbury

TRAIL 10 Utting, David (1997)  A Medieval Trail of Canterbury

TRAIL 11 na (1998)  The Charles Dickens Connection

TRAIL 12 (na) (1998)  Through the Westgate

TRAIL 13 (na) (nd)  An Industrial Trail Through Canterbury

TRAIL 14 Crabtree, Derek (2002)  Canterbury Churches Trail (not currently available)

TRAIL 15 na, Streetwise, nd

na (1983) Canterbury backstreets trail : a backstreets trail for children aged 7-11 

Pope, Anne (1992)  Living in St Stephen’s 60-80 years ago

Scoffham, Stephen (1993)  Houses in Canterbury

Bateman, Audrey (2001)  Palace Street Historical Guide (not currently available)