Davidson, Archbishop (via memorial stones index)

Randall Davidson (1848-1930)

Cenotaph of Archbishop Davidson – his remains are buried in the garth

click here for more details on Archbishop Davidson

Archbishop of Canterbury (1903-1928)

Designed and sculpted by Cecil Thomas

Archbishop Davidson resigned his post in 1928 and died two years later. He is buried in the Great Cloister garth together with his wife. His monument is located on the north wall of the ambulatory of the Trinity Chapel. His recumbent effigy is of bronze, the cope being that worn at the Coronation of George V. The sarcophagus, on which the effigy lies, is of Hopton Wood Stone. This is the variety often referred to as Light Hopton Wood (as opposed to the dark variety). It is a beige coloured limestone of Carboniferous age containing much fossil debris.

At the eastern extremity of the cathedral is the Corona. It was built in the late twelfth century by William the Englishman. Its function was to house the holy relic of the crown of Thomas Becket’s skull.  Its designation is now: The Chapel of Saints and Martyrs of our Time.