Fabric Stones sorted by Area

As can be seen from the Stones Index page, we have identified over 30 stones which have each at different times played significant roles in the building of the cathedral.  Of these, around 20 have been used only in the creation of cathedral ‘fabric’ ie walls, pillars, gables, pinnacles, etc but excluding floors and memorials.  A further two (Caen Stone and Purbeck Marble) have been used in the fabric but also in other ways. 

For readers who wish to know which fabric stones can be seen in each main area of the cathedral, the following plans and list will assist.  

A  Inside the main cathedral building:

Purbeck Marble in the Corona; Purbeck Marble in SE transept; Reigate Stone in nave north wall; Marquise Stone in the crypt

B  On the external wall of the main cathedral building: 

calc-sinter in the Treasury wall; Bath Stone in the new Library; Caen Stone in the nave south wall; Clipsham Stone in the SE transept gable – also the south-east side of the Corona – also the nave south side pinnacle; Kentish Ragstone on the SE buttress to the nave; Lavoux in the SE transept new window – also in the SE transept east wall; also in the wall of Anselm chapel; also in statues by the west door; Plastic stone in the Corona external wall; and Quarr Stone in the SE transept.

C  By the Chapter House:

calc-sinter in the Chapter House windows; chalk decoration either side of the Chapter House entrance door

D  In the main cloisters west side: Portland StoneCaen StoneCarboniferous Limestone

E  In the main cloisters north side:  FerricretePurbeck Marble

F  In the main cloisters south side: Reigate Stone

G  In the Infirmary cloisters: examples of calc-sinter and Purbeck Marble

H  In the Dormitory undercroft:

examples of Thanet SandstonechalkFlintFolkestone StoneMarquise Stone and Tufa.

I  Elsewhere in the precincts:

examples of ferricrete and flint in the Water Tower; chalk at the Archbishop’s Palace; also at the Bastion chapel; flint on the Choir House; Plastic stone on the Christ Church gate; examples of Thanet Sandstone and Tufa at the Infirmary