Memorial & Fittings Stones sorted by Area

As shown in the Stones Index, we have identified 11 types of stone that can be found in the hundreds of memorials spread across the cathedral.  Most (nine) are used only for memorials, i.e. not for the basic fabric or for the floors.  A few, including Caen Stone and Purbeck Marble, have wider uses.

Notes on individual memorials appear in pages devoted to particular areas of the cathedral.  Links to these are provided below.  We have also prepared an A to Z list of all the memorials covered so far.

Area 1 Nave (north side)

Font, pulpit, Archbishop Benson, Archbishop Longley, General Sir Mark Walker, Orlando Gibbons, Bishop Edward Parry, Edgar Evelyn Ravenhill, Sir John Boys, Edward Youde.

Area 2 Nave (south side)

Holy water stoup, Margaret Babington, Normandy Veterans Association, James George Beaney, Kent Cyclist Battalions, Sir George Gipps, Lt Colonel John Stuart, Canterbury Cross.

Area 3 Choir (north aisle)

Archbishop Chichele, Archbishop Howley, Archbishop Bourchier, Thomas Cocks,

Area 4 Choir (south aisle)

Alfred Deller, Archbishop Reynolds, Henry Eastry, Thomas Neville, Archbishop Kemp, Archbishop Stratford, Archbishop Sudbury,

Area 5 North West Transept (including martyrdom)

Archbishop Peckham, Archbishop Warham, The Martyrdom

Area 6 North East Transept

Archbishop Tait, Chapel of St Martin of Tours, The Chapel of St Stephen Martyr,

Area 7 South East Transept

The Chapel of St John – dedicated to Archbishop Temple, The Chapel of St Gregory – dedicated to Geoffrey Fisher, Buffs Altar, Archbishop Langton, Sir George Rooke, Francis Godfrey

Area 8 St Anselm’s Chapel

Altar of St Anselm, Archbishop Meopham,

Area 9, Warrior’s Chapel

Lady Margaret Holland (with John Beaufort, Earl of Somerset, and Thomas, Duke of Clarence), William Prude, Thornhurst Family,

Area 10, Crypt

St Nicholas chapel, St Mary Magdalene chapel, Chapel of the Holy Innocents, Black Prince’s Chantry chapel, Lady Elizabeth Trivet, Lady Joan de Mohun, Cardinal Morton, Reculver columns

Area 11, East end and Corona

King Henry IV and Joan of Navarre, Nicholas Wotton, Archbishop Davidson, Cardinal Pole, Archbishop Frederick Temple, Odet de Coligny, Archbishop Courtenay, Archbishop Walter, The Black Prince

Area 12, Choir

Marble Chair, Howley Stone Chair or Throne, The Choir Pulpit